What is The True Meaning of Christmas?

Nitin Khaire
3 min readDec 15, 2020


Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

As we are in the Christmas season now, it would be nice to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Millions of people around the world will be celebrating Christmas this month. There is a season of festivity and joy in a rather gloomy year.

There will be delicious food cooked and beautiful decorations everywhere.

We will see Christmas trees with gifts and also Santa Claus with his reindeers.

There will be parties and Christmas music in the air.

While we are at it, let us reflect and try to understand what really is the significance of Christmas.

Christmas is celebrated to announce the good news of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to this earth in the form of a little babe in Bethlehem, Israel.

His coming to earth to redeem mankind is what Christmas is all about.

He left the glories of heaven to be born in a humble stable in Bethlehem.

Christmas speaks to us about the following:


Christ came down to earth because of His great love for humanity. He did not have to leave His glorious habitation in heaven to come here. But He did it because He loved us so much.


Christmas also signifies the great sacrifice Jesus did by leaving aside His glory and majesty. He sacrificed all the luxury and comfort to come and suffer with and for human beings.


Jesus Christ left the magnificent heavens to be born in a humble stable. There was no room for the King of kings in any of the inns of Bethlehem.

There he was born in the company of animals.

It was the height of simplicity.


As mentioned earlier, the King of kings left His celestial abode willingly to come to this lowly terrestrial abode.

It was an act of great humility. Later on, we read that He humbled Himself to death, even death on a cross.

He was the epitome of humility. Christmas is all about His humility manifested in His human birth.


Christmas is rightly celebrated by giving gifts to loved ones and friends.

The inspiration for giving comes from the Lord Jesus Himself who gave Himself as a gift to us humans.

The least we can do is give gifts and presents to our loved ones. There are no strings attached to this type of giving. It is based on love and kindness.


Christmas is a celebration of the goodness and kindness of God.

It is beautifully illustrated in the all-time great song, “ Because He lives, I can face tomorrow”

Many beautiful carols are sung in celebration during this season. Some of these carols are as follows:

“ Joy to the world, the Lord has come”

“ O come let us adore Him”

“ Feliz Navidad”

“ Silent night, holy night”

These carols spread joy and happiness whenever they are sung.


Finally, Christmas signifies minimalism. We don’t really need to fill our houses with material things that we don’t even use.

There is not much that we need to live comfortably.

Christmas teaches us that we can live our lives more peacefully when we have fewer things to manage.

Hoarding up things adds to more anxiety as we have to then manage more things.

The great Son of God came to a humble stable with not much furniture or comforts there.

The less we have, the more meaningful our lives become. Because then we focus on the real things of life.

May this Christmas bring great joy and happiness in your lives as you reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas.

Have a very Happy Christmas and enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.



Nitin Khaire
Nitin Khaire

Written by Nitin Khaire

I am a Certified Life Coach and Executive Coach (Symbiosis, U.S.) Writer at Noteworthy. I write about personal development, self-improvement, and productivity.

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