How to Improve Your Self Image in 7 Exciting Steps

Enjoy a happy self-image

Nitin Khaire
4 min readDec 2, 2019
Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

One of the most important things we need to learn is how to have a healthy self-image.

What is the meaning of self-image? How do we perceive our own selves? What images come up in your mind when you think about yourself? Do you feel good about yourself or are you unhappy with the images that you see?

We will learn now about what is the meaning of self-image, the benefits of a healthy self-image and 7 steps to a healthy self-image.

Types of self-images

There are basically two types of self-images — a high self-image or a low self-image.

When a person has a high self-image, he thinks very highly of himself.

He is always obsessed with himself and his thoughts and words always contain self-promoting phrases like me and myself.

But a person with a low self-image is exactly the opposite. His thoughts, words, and actions all tell the sad story that he has a very low image.

Both these extremes have to be avoided and a balance has to be formed where a person has an honest and true image about himself.

To attain this balance is very difficult but definitely possible.

The benefits of a healthy self-image

It’s important because how we perceive ourselves influences our actions, words, work and it influences our interactions with others.

  • A positive self-image makes you do better at work, improves your relationships at home, work and in society.
  • It increases your productivity.
  • It enhances the quality of your work.
  • It makes others feel comfortable around you because people who are comfortable with themselves also easily gel with others without any judgment.
  • It can improve your physical, mental, emotional and social life.

7 Steps to a healthy self-image

1.Don’t be a perfectionist

No matter how hard we try, we are going to make some silly mistakes now and then. We have to accept the fact that we are going to blow it sometimes. That’s the way life is. No one is perfect and that includes you.

2. Make an honest self-assessment

You can make an assessment of your life but it should be totally honest. Brutally honest. By that I mean, don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t be too soft too.

Just be very practical and true to yourself. You could also ask your loved ones, the ones you really trust from your heart to assess you.

3. Don’t try to change what you can’t

In this life, there will always be some things that you will never be able to change. Gracefully accept that fact and move on.

Change the things which you are capable of changing and let the other go. That is the best way to be at peace with yourself.

4. Accept yourself just as you are

It is important to accept yourself just as you are. This is vital to have a healthy self-image because if you cannot accept yourself, then how can you expect others to accept you.

You have to come to terms with the fact that you are unique and there is no one else in the whole world like you. Know that no two snowflakes are similar in the whole world. Similarly, there is no one else like you in the whole wide world, Therefore, be easy on yourself and be your best friend.

5. Speak self-affirming and warm words about yourself

Another powerful way to have a healthy self-image is to speak positive and affirmative words with your mouth.

Below I have stated some powerful affirmations.

“I am good. I am powerful. I am unique.”

“There is no one else like me.”

“Something good is going to happen to me today.”

“Someone in the world needs me.”

Just keep on saying these affirmations and as you hear those affirmations they will start registering on your spirit and your mind and your soul, and they will make a huge difference in your self-image.

6. Think about all that is good in you…talents, skills, virtues

The next step to have a healthy self-image is to think about and, better still, write about all the good things that are your new point note down all the talents skills and virtues that you have.

As you dwell on these, you will start feeling good about yourself and realize that indeed there is something good in you.

This will make a great impact on your self-image.

7. Don’t fall in the trap of comparison

Most of us have fallen into this trap at one point to another in our lifetime.

We are very good at comparing ourselves with others- be it at school or at work, we like to compare ourselves with somebody else.

Avoid this habit of comparison because it will lead you to a downward spiral and your self-image will take a beating.

When you are doing good, you will be on cloud nine and when you are not doing good, you will be down in the valley.

That’s not how it should be. You should always be on plane ground not on the mountain top and not in the valleys. When you stop comparing yourself with others you will work on level ground. Therefore, avoid this trap at all costs.

What are the results of a healthy self-image?

Well, the results of having a healthy self-image will be that you will be very happy with your own self.

You will be kind to others. People would like to be in your company because they feel good around you. Your work will increase in quality.

A positive self-image is an important key to achieving your dreams.

Put the steps mentioned above into practice and you will see your self-image improving day by day.

Life will be really good.



Nitin Khaire
Nitin Khaire

Written by Nitin Khaire

I am a Certified Life Coach and Executive Coach (Symbiosis, U.S.) Writer at Noteworthy. I write about personal development, self-improvement, and productivity.

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