How to Find out Your Outstanding Life Purpose

7 wonderful benefits of finding your life purpose

Nitin Khaire
5 min readNov 30, 2019
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Everyone has a purpose in life …. a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit which is the ultimate goal of goals

Deepak Chopra

What is your life purpose and how to find it?

Having a life purpose is one of the most important things that you can discover. Have you ever wondered what is your purpose in life?

Someone has said that there are two most important days in your life — the day when you were born, and the day when you find out why.

In this article, I want to explore the subject of the meaning of your life purpose, what are the benefits of finding out your life purpose and how to find your life purpose.

A Life purpose is nothing but your goal in life, the reason why you exist.

There are various ways in which you can find your life purpose.

You can find your life purpose by looking into your heart and finding out what are the things that you love to do most.

Another way to find out your life purpose is to find out what you spend most of your time doing.

After researching what you are most passionate about and what are the things that you love to do the most, you can easily find out what your life purpose could be.

There are 7 benefits of finding your life purpose

1. It reduces frustration

Many people go through life without knowing why there exist. They spend time in needless, worthless activities which don’t matter much. Such people are living frustrated lives because they don’t know in which direction they want to go forward. Their lives are just a circle of useless and needless activities.

However. when they find out their life purpose, suddenly it brings meaning to their life and reduces frustration.

2. It brings clarity to your life

Having a life purpose brings tremendous clarity to your life. It helps you to see clearly where you want to go, how you want to go and the path towards the end goal becomes very clear.

All the fuzziness and lack of clarity vanish when the life purpose becomes clear.

3. It enables you to make the right decisions

Life is such that a person has to make hundreds of decisions daily. In fact, life is the sum total of all the decisions that you make good or bad.

Having life purpose enables you to sift between the bad decisions and the good ones. It becomes easier to make the right decision with deep conviction.

It reduces unproductive activities that do not contribute towards your life purpose.

Life is made up of lots of activities. Some of these activities are productive and some are unproductive.

When a person knows his life purpose then he cuts out activities that do not contribute towards his life purpose and involves himself only in those activities which take him closer to his destination.

4. It adds inspiration and motivation to your life

Life can be very dry and boring if there is no purpose. One thing that knowing your life purpose does, is that it motivates you and inspires you in every decision and activity of your life.

5. It focuses your attention

It cuts out all boring activities from your life and enables you to do whatever you do with a lot of motivation and passion.

It focuses your attention sharply just like a laser beam towards only those activities which will fulfill your life purpose.

When you know your life purpose, all your attention is laser-focused and those activities which help fulfill your life goal.

When we were small we would play with a magnifying glass. We would take a piece of paper and a magnifying glass and hold the glass in the blazing sun while focusing on a particular point on the paper. After a few seconds, the paper would start burning. That was one of the delightful activities of childhood.

But the point I want to make is that when your activities are laser-focused, they bring about immediate and forceful results.

It enables you to make plans and strategies customized to your life purpose

6. A life purpose gives you identity

When people hear your name they will know what you stand for. A life purpose helps you to form your own unique Identity which is also known in commercial circles as branding.

You will be known for your work. This will give you recognition, identity, and respect. When people know that you are standing for something, they will respect you and celebrate with you.

7. It brings fulfillment and satisfaction to your life

Finally, what having a life goal or life purpose does it that it brings satisfaction, fulfillment, and meaning to your life.

Many people are roaming around in the world without any purpose and meaning in their lives. Don’t mistake me these are not people who don’t have any money or wealth. But in spite of having money, property, and assets these people have no satisfaction or fulfillment because they don’t have a life goal or purpose in their lives.

So friends, to conclude, we have gone through three things in this post.

1. What is the definition of a life purpose

2. We saw the benefits of having a life purpose and

3. We also explored how to find our life purpose

I hope that this article will help you to find out your very own unique life purpose and it will enable you to go in the right direction in your life and accomplish that for which you were born.

Believe that you will live life to the fullest every day meaningfully and purposefully, knowing for what you are born and what you are living for. if you have nothing worth dying for, you have nothing worth living for.

Everybody in life has a purpose and nobody’s purpose is better than anyone else’s
Tori Kelly



Nitin Khaire
Nitin Khaire

Written by Nitin Khaire

I am a Certified Life Coach and Executive Coach (Symbiosis, U.S.) Writer at Noteworthy. I write about personal development, self-improvement, and productivity.

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